Sedia kembalikan maruah
Ulasan: Parti bermaruah dan bermartabat ialah parti yang tidak main RASUAH.
Dalam tempoh yang terdekat, akan wujud MALAYSIA BARU yang adil, bebas (bukan negara polis, wujud kebebasan bersuara sepenuhnya), telus dan anti-rasuah. Koleksi ini hanyalah memori yang mengusik jiwa yang pernah berlaku sebelumnya untuk kita FIKIRKAN dan mengambil pelajaran @ hikmah darinya... In the near future, there is NEW MALAYSIA, a just, free, transparent, and anti-corruption state. These were mere collection of memories that happened once for our REFLECTION taking its wisdom...
Sedia kembalikan maruah
Ulasan: Parti bermaruah dan bermartabat ialah parti yang tidak main RASUAH.
Ulasan: Pendapatan asalkan bukan yang haram.
Earlier this month I noted that Al-Jazeera English was giving a voice to African investigative journalists.
As part of that initiative, the channel is about to screen a series of three documentaries about the Libyan revolution.
Gaddafi: The End Game tells the inside story of the dictator's fall through the eyes of a group of people who joined the struggle from exile in Britain.
The series kicks off with the story of 30-year-old Ibrahim El-Mayet and his father, Abduladim, as they take a convoy of ambulances from the UK across Europe, through Tunisia, and into Libya.
They meet up with Abdelbasset Issa, a property developer from Croydon, whose group they then help to arm and train for the final assault on Tripoli.
Anne Reevell, the producer and director, also filmed Libya's leadership-in-waiting in Tunisia, which included Abdurrahim el-Keib, now Libya's prime minister. He was interviewed on the night that marked the beginning of Tripoli's rebellion.
Reevell says: "When the uprising began, the Libyan diaspora struggled with what it meant for them and how they should react... How far should they go in helping? Was their help welcome? Was their exile about to end, and at what cost?
"I was able to film with a small group of Libyans from the UK and got to know them well. Gradually, as the months passed, their determination that Gaddafi must go transformed them into revolutionaries."
The series begins with The long road to Tripoli on 8 December. A second part will be screened on 15 December and the third instalment,State of denial, will be shown on 22 December.
Sources: Al-Jazeera/Moonbeam Films
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