Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Chinese HIV cases up 30 percent in 2006

BEIJING - Reported cases of HIV and AIDS in China has jumped 30 percent this year, with intravenous drug use the main source of infection, Chinese state media said Tuesday.
The reported number of cases has grown to more than 183,000 this year, up from 144,000 at the end of last year, the China Daily newspaper reported, citing figures from the Ministry of Health.
Of the reported cases, more than 40,000 have developed into AIDS, it said.

Ulasan: Punca utama HIV dan AIDS ialah penyalahgunaan dadah dan zina. Kalau manusia tidak boleh mengawal nafsu seksnya dan berzina di mana-mana, tunggulah azab dunia. Bagaimana mahu menundukkan nafsu? Senang sahaja. Dalam hidup ini, ikutlah perintah Allah seperti di contohkan oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Nafsu tanpa agama sangat merosakkan.

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