Monday, March 31, 2008

Muslims outnumber Roman Catholics for first time - Vatican

ISLAM has overtaken Roman Catholicism as the biggest single religious denomination in the world, the Vatican said today.
Monsignor Vittorio Formenti, who compiled the Vatican's newly-released 2008 yearbook of statistics, said Muslims made up 19.2 per cent of the world's population and Catholics 17.4 per cent.
"For the first time in history we are no longer at the top - the Muslims have overtaken us," Monsignor Formenti told Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, saying the data referred to 2006.
He said that if all Christian groups were considered, including Orthodox churches, Anglicans and Protestants, then Christians made up 33 per cent of the world's population - or about two billion people.
The Vatican recently put the number of Catholics in the world at 1.13 billion people. It did not provide a figure for Muslims, generally estimated at around 1.3 billion.
Monsignor Formenti said that while the number of Catholics as a proportion of the world's population was fairly stable, the percentage of Muslims was growing because of higher birth rates...(Reuters, March 31, 2008).

Ulasan: Dua perkara yang menarik: 1. Teruskan berdakwah sebagai TUGAS kita untuk menyelamatkan manusia dari azab di akhirat. Hanya dengan menerima Islam dan sekaligus taat kepada perintah Allah sepertimana di tunjukkan oleh Sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w., manusia akan selamat di dunia dan di akhirat.
2. Alhamdulillah, syukur kepada Allah sebab masih mengurniakan orang Islam dengan kadar kelahiran yang tinggi. Semoga Allah memberi balasan terbaik kepada kaum Muslimah yang sanggup melahirkan ramai anak halal menjadikannya realiti yang di geruni musuh.

Komen Mr TAHA T----: Alhamdulillah.....cuma kita kena usaha dan berdoa semoga kita tidak gah dari segi nombornya tapi kualitinya mengecewakan. Bukan seperti buih dan bukan menjadi sebahagian penyebab kepada kesesakan dunia..... disebabkan akhlak yang buruk!!!

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