Monday, December 14, 2009

Iran Is Still NOT the Problem

By Karl Schwarz 
Americans need to wake up and realize that Iran is truly not the problem. Iran is no threat to the US, UK, Europe or anyone else. It is the US, UK, Israel and greedy, war criminal minded elements and Zionist banksters that are salivating on taking over the Iranian oil and natural gas, just like they tried to do in the Caspian Basin / CIS regions, and Iraq. 
The Iranians have shown an incredible amount of restraint thus far, but that can change in a split second and one telephone call. Iran is not provoking, they are being provoked. 
Did you know that several months before Desert Storm (1991), George H W Bush had US Special Forces attacking both Iraq and Iran to stir up that war? I personally know some of the US soldiers that were involved in those operations and they are not happy about being sent to start a war based on nothing but LIES. 
I know many Iranians and they are very nice, well-educated and honorable people. I know a young Iranian opera soprano and she is one of the most endearing people I have ever met. Her father was and her brother is a surgeon, not international terrorists. They are not the sort of people that buy off on political lies and underhanded threats from the US, UK or Israel. No one can piss on the feet of an Iranian and convince them that it is just raining. 
As I wrote that it occurred to me that only in America does the media, Wall Street and DC piss on the feet of the citizens, they are reassured it is just raining, and idiot Americans blink and buy off on the lie. Your feet are being pissed on, folks, wake the Hell up! 
They are actually predominately Persians, an ancient and honorable race of people. They are not warlike unless provoked and the US, UK and Israel have done nothing but provoke since 1979, and even before that back to 1953 with a CIA-led coup to oust their leader and install the US-puppet monster Shah Pahlavi. Why? Simply, to control their vast oil and natural gas resources. 
There is a dynamic to this attempt for 'resource theft' that our idiot leaders in the White House, CIA, State Department and Department of Defense do not want you to know about. That being, any attack on Iran by the US will turn that entire region into the biggest shit-storm since World War II, the North Korean Chinese incursion across the 38th Parallel and the Tet Offensive in Vietnam. 
If you think the US is having problems now in Afghanistan and Pakistan, just watch what happens if the US attacks Iran and is suddenly faced with the reality of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran shredding the US and NATO presence in Afghanistan. Any chance of peace of cessation of hostilities will evaporate if either the US or Israel attacks Iran on bogus reasons. 
Americans will be horrified that such idiots could not foresee the backlash of their actions and their greed. 
So, consider these very real possibilities. 
First, if Israel thinks they can take on a nation of 85 million Iranians, they need to get off the drugs, booze, arrogance and punch-drunk Zionist-moron power trip. Israel cannot defeat Iran with conventional weapons. Iran is very close politically and economically to Russia and China, with each having huge financial interests at stake. The Bushear Nuclear Reactor was built by Russia, there are many Russian technicians there and have been all along. Any attack on that facility will kill Russians as well as Iranians. China has $400 billion in oil and gas business with Iran and has even built a new port at Gwadar. 
Secondly, any attack by the US, possibly even if they are aiding and abetting an Israeli attack, could see a massive Iranian army cross the borders into Afghanistan, Baluchistan province of Pakistan and into Iraq. It could well make the US concept of 'troop surge' look impotent as our US troops are suddenly swarmed by millions of really angry, justifiably angry Iranians. They may well be joined by Russian, Indian and Chinese forces that already know that the US Global War on Terror lie is all about resource theft and control. That, ladies and gentlemen is what Iraq and Afghanistan, and even the new hostilities with Pakistan are really about. 
If Americans have been displeased with the lies and deceit thus far emanating from the US and UK, and the dead and maimed number of US soldiers, they have not seen anything yet like the carnage that would come just from attacking Iran. 
Third, these policy wonks are pushing a sure to lose hand. These greedy idiots will not stop until the American public wakes up to the reality and the gravity of the threat and then demands that the morons in DC sit down, shut up, cease and desist. 

China has recently built and opened a port in the Baluchistan province of Pakistan and it is only 72 km from Iran. The intent is to get the Iranian oil to China through that port. It is also planned to run a pipeline from that port to China, a distance of only 2500 kilometers. ...


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