Thursday, May 14, 2009

We have never heard Mandela and Ghandi doing these...

These were the two great legends of humanity.

The two legends fought for justice with firmness, fairplay and with due respect to legal and democratic process.

We have never heard of the two great legends grabbing and strangling a legally appointed sitting speaker out of a sitting assembly!

We have never heard of the two great legends holding on to power in total disregard of the voices of the majority of the voters and the people!

We have never heard of the two great legends claiming to be the sitting leader despite a Judge of the High Court declaring otherwise!

We have never heard of the two great legends clinging on to power and position despite knowing very well the majority of voters rejected him!

I have never heard of the two great legends so scared of taking their position to the people to give them the mandate to be their leader!

These were two great legends of humanity before us. 

They are not the great "demo-crazy" who are so crazy for power & position to the extent of strangling and dragging the assembly speaker without due regard and respect for the due process of law and principles of democracy.

(modified from's 13 Mei 2009 post)  

Ulasan: Sayangnya setakat kita tahu bahawa Mahatma Gandhi meninggal duniabukan sebagai  Muslim. Nelson Mandela setakat ini belum lagi Muslim. Ya Allah kami lalai mendakwahkan agamaMu. Maafkan kami ya Allah.

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